National Debt Redemption

Documentary from

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Archive Title Repository Institution
Search for the whereabouts of National Debt Redemption Movement donations, dated July 22, 1908 National Institute of Korean History
Seowoo, No. 6, dated May 1, 1907 Research Institute of Korean Studies
Situation of the National Debt Redemption Movement headquarters, dated August 28, 1908 National Institute of Korean History
Smoking Cessation Association’s Male Population Census Book Advanced Center for Korean Studies
Solicitation Letter Commemorative Association of the National Debt Redemption Movement
Staff members of the national debt redemption funds auditing office, dated October 5, 1908 National Institute of Korean History
Statement of a witness in Yang Gi-tak’s trial, dated September 30, 1908 National Institute of Korean History
Summary of Regulations of the General Headquarters of Fundraising for National Debt Redemption National Museum of Korean Contemporary History
Summary of the Yang Gi-tak trial, dated August 31, 1908 National Institute of Korean History
Suspected embezzlement of donations involving Yang Gi-tak, dated July 13, 1908 National Institute of Korean History