Archive Contact

Scope of collected data
- Data on the Japanese economic exploitation around 1905
- All data related to the 1907 National Debt Redemption Movement
- Documents: appeals, school newspapers, manifestos, posters, bonds, receipts, land patents, passbooks
- Memoirs: biographies, memoranda, memoirs, autobiographies
- Records: Hyanggyo(Korean Confucian School) papers, school magazines
- Photos: various records, portraits, and so on
- Others: materials with historical value
Collection methods
- Donations: Transference of the right of management and ownership to the National Debt Redemption Movement Memorial Association, free of charge
- Trust (loan): Temporary or long-term transference of the right of management to the National Debt Redemption Movement Memorial Association
Donor privileges
- Donor’s name, printed in the exhibition
- Provision of various publications, such as bulletins
- Invitations to events
Period of collection : throughout the year
- The Commemorative Association of Foreign Debt Redemption Movement, 670 National Debt Redemption Road (Gukchaebosang-ro / 42 Dongin-dong 2-ga), Jung-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City
- Tel: +82-53-745-6753 Fax: +82-53-746-6753
- www.gukchae.com; E-mail: master@gukchae.com